New Construction

New Construction Residential and Commercial Developement

We require 3 copies of the preliminary drawings of the water mains, fire service mains and fire sprinkler mains for the developement.

After water main drawings are approved by Public Water Supply Dist. # 1, we will require 3 copies of approved drawings.

The Devloper/Contractor will enter into a contract with Public Water Supply Dist. # 1 for the construction of water mains and submit a Certificate of Insurance.

The Developer/Contractor will be required to obtain a copy of Ord. 6301 Specifications and Details for Water Main Construction from Public Water Supply Dist. # 1.

The Developer/Contractor will be required to put down a deposit for construction with Public Water Supply Dist. # 1. The deposit for construction is to cover all inspection fees, water and labor used for flushing, pressure testing and Bac-T sampling.

The Developer/Contractor will schedule a pre-construction meeting at our office with Public Water Supply Dist. # 1 and our inspector for the project.

All requirements must be met before construction of the water mains can begin.

Schedule of Deposit Based on Water Main Footage

 1-100 feet   $35.00/ft. 
 101-500 feet  $25.00/ft.
 501-1,000 feet  $10.00/ft.
 1,001-2,000 feet  $6.30/ft.
 2,001-4,000 feet   $3.25/ft.
 4,001-6,000 feet    $2.50/ft.
 6,001 -10,000 feet  $2.00/ft.


Annual Sprinkler Head Charge Based on Number of Heads

The Owner will enter into a contract with Public Water Supply Dist. # 1 for the annual sprinkler head fee.  Fee will be billed every year based on the final number of heads installed and must be paid to continue service to the Fire Sprinkler Main. 

1 To 62 Sprinkler Heads:

Minimum of $25.00

63 To 600 Sprinkler Heads:

40 Cents Per Head

601 To 1,600 Sprinkler Heads:

20 Cents Per Head

Over 1,601 Sprinkler Heads:

10 Cents Per Head


Ord. 6301 Standard Specifications

$15.00 per copy

New Meter Service Installation

3/4"-6" Typical Installation

Meter Pit Installation Charges

Meter Size  Tap Size  Meter  Tap  Total Cost


   3/4"     3/4"  $700.00  $500.00  $1,200.00


     1"      1"  $900.00 $500.00  $1,400.00


    1.5"      2"  $1,800.00 $500.00  $2,300.00


     2"      2"  $2,100.00 $500.00  $2,600.00


     3"      3"  $2,800.00 $500.00  $3,300.00


     4"      4"  $4,000.00 $500.00  $4,500.00


     6"      6"  $7,700.00 $500.00  $8,200.00